
Shipping Methods

Our suppliers partner with all the major shipping services, including USPS, UPS, FedEx, and DHL. They will select the best shipping method for your order based on the shipment size, weight, and distance from their warehouse to you.

International Orders

We do not accept international orders, we only ship addresses within the USA.

No Expedited Shipping

We do not offer three day, second day, or next day shipping. Costs for these shipping methods have increased to the point that customers are very seldom willing to pay for shipping that frequently exceeds the cost of the products they have ordered. Also, since our products are Print On Demand, they have to be printed before they can be shipped which adds to the delivery time, so even with next day shipping the customer cannot receive their order the next day.

Delivery Estimates

Our suppliers will fulfill most orders (print and package for shipping) in 3 to 5 business days, after which the order will be shipped. Shipping withing the United States generally takes 2 to 5 business days. Holiday seasons, like Christmas and Valentine’s Day, will be busy for our suppliers and delivery services, so please plan on a longer delivery time and place your orders early!