About Us

Keep Carrying On is a store offering Print On Demand products with motivational messages.

Our message is inspired by the famous British “Keep Calm and Carry On” poster that was designed in the 1930s in case war broke out. If you would like to know the fascinating history of the poster… and how it was almost lost!… go to Keep calm: The story behind the UK’s most famous poster design. (This will open a new tab in your browser. Close that tab to come back here!)

We’re in stressful times, and carrying on can sometime feels like an impossible task. So we still need that message, but we’ve turned it on its head. The original poster starts with an order: “Keep Calm!” (We added the exclamation point.) Have you ever been stressed out, or having a panic attack or anxiety attack? And when that was happening, did anyone ever say anything to you like “Calm down!” or “Relax!” And did that help?

Probably not. You usually can’t change your mood instantly on command. What you can do in situations like that is try to move your head out of that space by doing something familiar, something that you like to do, something that does relax you.

So our message is to do those things and keep carrying on. Because when it comes down to it, there’s not a lot we can do about most of the things that are stressing us out, or making us anxious or depressed. We don’t have any control over those things. What we do have control over is ourselves. Our minds, our emotions, and our actions.

Our goal is to provide you with products that will remind you to do the things that make you happy… and will let you send that message to others!

But motivation doesn’t always have to be serious, and humor is definitely something that can help us carry on! And as The Bard (and we’re talking Jimmy Buffet here) said, “If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.” So we will have some humorous designs on the store. Humor is subjective so you probably won’t think some of them are funny. You might think some of them are stupid. You might even think some of them are offensive. Well, you can’t please all of the people all of the time. If you don’t like one of our designs for any reason, just move on and look at some other products, okay?

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